Thursday, 9 August 2012


I got hammered last night. Drunk to normal people is a squiffy state of mild confusion. I don't play games. I drink in a furious way to forget it all. I don't even remember what I'm forgetting. 4 can's of Stella, 4 pints (I can tell from the change) a shit load of rum, and then 2 bottles of red. Fuck. I can give you all the lies if you want. Eve upset me. She doesn't love me. Work was bad. I acccidentally insulted a director. Not my fault. He shouldn't have been a muppet.

 No excuses. I fucked up.

Then my mate called. It's easy. I can do this. No, R***, it's not easy. You are lucky to have friends like that. He moaned at me for half an hour. I really appreciate that kind of thing. Right now I am hanging out my arse. Dying is too easy.

Thank you codeandcoke x. You mean the world to me



  1. Hope it's enough :( Feeling pretty shit right now...... Damn! You are another person I have to worry about x

  2. Haha, you don't have to worry about me. ^.^
